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12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. CST Program


 To maximize your experience during this Lunch and Learn, we encourage you to have your microphone and camera on. 

With a master’s degree in counseling psychology and 20+ years’ worth of “skinned knees and bloodied knuckles that come with driving change in healthcare,” Michael O’Neil’s experience and passion lie at the core of Healthcare Bluebook’s purpose: to protect patients by exposing the truth and empowering choice. While his official title is Senior Vice President (SVP) of Strategy and Development, Michael says his real job is Sheepdog and describes his role by sharing this analogy:

“In every walk of life, especially in healthcare, you have at least three types of people: You have the sheep—those who are vulnerable because they don’t have all the tools, visibility, and information they need to protect themselves (patients). You have the wolves who prey on the sheep by leveraging the advantages of their strength, size, position, and information (large status-quo payers and providers). And then you have Sheepdogs—those who intimately understand the world of the wolf but live to protect the sheep from the wolves.”


Thank you to our program sponsor.



May 11, 2021 - May 11, 2021

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