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12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. CST Program

 To maximize your experience during this Lunch and Learn, we encourage you to have your microphone and camera on. 

Dr. Bryan Heckman is the Director of the Center for the Study of Social Determinants of Health and an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Meharry Medical College. An expert in digital healthcare, he aims to revolutionize medical research and healthcare delivery using cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and context sensing to develop precision medicine approaches that are easily accessible through mobile and telehealth applications. 

An astute academic with over 60 peer-reviewed manuscripts, Dr. Heckman’s research focuses on clinical health psychology, behavioral medicine, and public health. He is also a steadfast contributor to NIH-funded experimental psychopathology research for over sixteen years, translational clinical research for over eleven, and public health and policy research for over seven.

At Meharry, Dr. Heackman’s programs center around the intersection of social determinants of health and behavioral health issues, like addiction, mental health, and treatment engagement. The ultimate goal is to holistically understand health disparities and develop and evaluate interventions to optimize health equity. The research programs consist of assessment, multilevel analysis, development of integrative behavior models and treatments, and policy reform.

Dr. Heckman’s multidisciplinary expertise varies from human labs, ecological momentary assessments, mHealth, RCTs, population surveillance, geospatial epidemiology, and academic entrepreneurship. It allows him to serve as a communication and collaboration hub for academia, researchers, government officials, and business professionals across sectors.


Thank you to our program sponsor.



December 10, 2020 - December 10, 2020

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